Broken Vows
Sister Mary Katherine is Doing it Rough
A Taboo Novella
24,939 words; Published: May 23rd, 2017
M~F/ Nun / First / Uniform / Taboo
When masturbation is a sin, the Sisters of Grace must act as God's right hand.
Hobie just wants to enjoy some simple, guilt-free self-gratification watching his favorite hot movie scene, but fate seems to have other plans. Almost murdered by his DVD player, his rusted-out Corolla, and a speeding downtown bus, he finds sanctuary in the least likely of places—The Sisters of Grace Sperm Bank.
Well, at least that’s the priority task of the day sorted.
Mother Mary Benedicta runs a different sort of sperm bank, though. Since masturbation is a sin, the Brides of Christ must act as God’s right hand.
Hobie can’t believe his luck when he’s paired with enthusiastic young nun Sister Mary Katherine. Mary Kate is totally inexperienced, so not everything proceeds to plan. However, she’s eager to learn at the hands of a patient instructor. There are so many fresh delights that a virtuous young nun could scarcely imagine, it’s hard to know where to begin.
Is there anything she won’t do for his donation? Hobie is keen to find out, but wonders if this is God’s idea of a test?
Hilarious, blasphemous, and scorchingly taboo, Broken Vows will leave you exhausted and sated, and yet still begging for more.

Well what a bit of naughty fun! This latest offering from Belinda LaPage,"Broken Vows" is truly captivating reading from the opening page to the fascinating and tantalising ending.
The introduction of the leading (male) character and the build up to the "main event" is both meticulous and entertaining. It really had me wondering where this was leading. What followed was a totally unexpected, totally erotic, wet dream event! Wonderfully thought through and enunciated, extremely erotic and tantalising. It had my imagination working overtime and me, well on the edge of my seat! Then came the ending! Oh My Goodness!!!
This was a really stunning read, totally enjoyable, with erotic twists and turns. Belinda has excelled! A not to be missed Aussie tale. Oh Belinda, you've done it again
Medicalpete - Amazon AU

The Author's Story
I don't remember where the idea for this one came from, which is strange for me; usually they have a very definite beginning. It had been languishing in my ideas folder for a little while though (usually a death sentence!) and pretty much all it said was "Sperm Bank run by nuns. Masturbation is a sin, so the wanking is all done by the Sisters."
Once I decided to write it, pretty much the entire scene with Mother Mary Benedicta self-assembled in a matter of minutes. Poor Hobie (he was Matt in my ideas folder) walking into the Sisters of Grace and having to deal with Reverend Mother. The key to this--and the reason I wanted to write it--was that dynamic: Hobie comes from the real world where nuns are pious and celibate, and Reverend Mother is from the fucking Twilight Zone where jerking off Johns for jizz is right there next to cleanliness beside Godliness.
Obviously Hobie would find himself in a room with a hot young nun, and just as obviously, this would be her first time, because... well, because I'm writing it :-) What happened then, I didn't plan too much, although I knew I would make it a long burn with plenty of foreplay. Would it end in sex? I didn't decide that until I was a few chapters from the end.
The build-up--Hobie vs. God--wasn't part of the original idea. I was writing a blog post for the Erotica Readers and Writers Association, and I chose to write on turning an idea for a scene into a full-fledged story. By the time I was done... well, here we are. Whip It, by the way, is a real movie, and all the references are actually in the movie. It's awesome. Watch it. The pool scene is steamy, but it's possible I sexed it up a bit for this story. You can see it on YouTube if you're interested.