A Taboo Novella
A Taboo Novella
10,654 words; Published: December 27th, 2017
M~F / Paranormal / Submission
Finally, a device that brings your dreams to life.
There’s something odd about Alicia’s new virtual electronic assistant. She would switch it off—damn thing is only good for ordering pizza and reading Wikipedia anyway—but the device seems to have other ideas, and now she’s afraid of what might happen if she tries.
Things come to a head when it reveals its true nature. There’s a spirit locked inside, calling itself Alexa, and it wants to come out to play. Terrifying? Perhaps at first, but Alexa’s magic is enticing; she has what sounds like a fun solution to Alicia’s man problems. Just say the magic words.
From the hidden depths of Alicia’s subconscious, Alexa summons a being—a man? a beast?—that knows exactly what Alicia craves, and it sets about giving it to her in a potent display, shattering the barriers between fantasy and reality.
Possessed is a daring thrill-ride through the dark corridors of submission fantasy.

Every time I read another book by Ms. LaPage, I'm amazed at the quality of the fiction. With this book, I wondered if maybe she'd overstepped what she could do. Nope. Every potential gotcha was gracefully handled and the end result was a truly delightful work of erotic fiction. This book makes a solid score both as erotica and as fiction. Great book highly recommended.
B. Binkerd - Amazon

The Author's Story
Early in 2017 at the Erotica Readers and Writers Association, we were talking about putting together an anthology of members' stories. I wrote a flash fiction collection about an alien shape-shifter called Imagine, and as backup, I began writing this, but it just started bloating too much for the antho, and I pulled back to concentrate on Imagine.
The idea first came from ERWA's own Larry Archer, who in response to a conversation about the availability of erotic audiobooks suggested that in a pinch you could have Alexa (the voice of the Amazon Echo) read to you. It wouldn't be very sexy, but hey, we don't all set the bar sky high, right?
In my mind, that's what was going to happen in this story: Alexa would start reading a sexy story to Alicia in her robot voice, but it would become increasingly clear that the voice was no robot. At some point it would become physical (or metaphysical, at least), and we'd get into some good hot sex.
Well, if you've read Possessed, you'll know that's not exactly what happened. The transitions were too hard--getting Alicia in a sexy mood, getting her reading and masturbating, transitioning the Alexa voice and ultimately turning it into a body--I couldn't work them out, and nailing your transitions is key in erotica if you want people to relate to the main character.
I hope you enjoy what came out in the end. It worked out perhaps better than I'd hoped, and I learned a bunch of new tricks trying to get the ghostly image right on the cover.