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Sherlock Holmes and the Case of The Virgin Bride

Sherlock Holmes and the Case of The Virgin Bride

Watson Trains a Hotwife

The Hotwife Novellas
13,990 words; Published: October 24, 2014
M~F / Cons / Cuckold / FanFic
The Great Detective strikes upon a case most impenetrable.

A Lord of the   Realm. His young virgin bride. It’s a problem humans have been solving in the   most natural way since the species began, and yet, these two are still unable   to fulfil their marital destiny.

At the best of his young wife, Lord Westall seeks out the great detective,   Mr. Sherlock Holmes, accompanied of course by his dashing aide and   biographer, the inimitable Dr. Watson. Perhaps these fine gentlemen can   succeed where the clergy and physicians have failed.

At first glance, the case appears beyond Holmes’ methods of deductive   reasoning — hardly a surprise for someone who lacks first-hand experience   with the fairer sex. No so, however, the wordly Dr. Watson, who perceives   immediately where the fine Lord and Lady have run afoul.

Perhaps Lady Westall would indulge … a demonstration.

The Case of the Virgin Bride is a lurid tale of Victorian wife-watching   erotica that finally turns the detective’s lens on his heroic scribe, Dr. Watson.

Belinda,I am in awe of your story

You amaze me with how well you captured Conan Doyle's style and sensibility. It is pitch perfect. I love the Sherlock Holmes stories - have read them over and over for more than 50 years. 

You gave us a new story to love. I will print it off and tuck it in my reading copy of the Complete Sherlock Holmes. And when my grandkids turn sixteen I'll let them find your story. Maybe they will learn something useful. Thank you.

Anonymous- StoriesOnline

I recently finished rereading my copy of the collected Holmes stories by A. C. Doyle, and I bow to a writer who so artfully blends the essential style of those narratives with such beautifully erotic imagery.

... you managed a remarkable feat of keeping to a classically Victorian presentation while not shaking the reader out of their suspension of disbelief with the sexual components of the story.

Good show!

TallDarkFellow - Literotica

The Author's Story

This one just snuck up on me. I was supposed to be busy writing Goodbye, Miss Granger when one night, lying in bed (where my muse most often finds me), this story came to me almost unbidden.

I love A.C. Doyle. I always have. I've read The Complete Sherlock Holmes several times over as well as his lesser known Brigadeer Gerard short stories. From the beginning I was confident that I could find Watson's voice; but what was startling is how much that appealed to my readers, and how many of them also read Sherlock Holmes.

The hardest part of writing this story was avoiding anacronisms and trying to find a compromise between modern and (what I imagined to be) Victorian erotic language. With research, I now know far more than I ought to about nineteenth century gentlemen's drawers. Since publishing, I have been directed by readers to examples of Victorian erotica, the best of which (in my opinion) is The Autobiography Of A Flea. I read only the first chapter and it was wonderfully erotic. Most of all though, I was pleased that my attempt was recognisably close, though I bow to the superior talent of that anonymous author.

I would love to do this again, but the parody angle has now been done, so I would need to wrap the next one in a genuine mystery worthy of the great detective.


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